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General review work

Created on Tuesday 30 June 2020, 20:22

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This task was created by the system

What needs to be done here?

I uploaded this publication yesterday and the bot automatically created this new task to process and publish this within the library -- this is a second task that can be done later by someone with review privileges (we need to add tags). (If a person adds enough publications to the site, they will earn this privilege themselves and can help with that as well.)
This review and editing function is not polished yet, but will be available soon. Once it is, the publication needs to be reviewed, author(s) linked, tags added etc. and the publication activated so that it appears in the public library.

Gotcha, maybe there should also be some instruction on what it means to review a publication?

I think this may be where the Work Activity description would be useful: So this would actually be "Process a publication" and the description would be "Fill out all fields, including tags and authors" ?

Task was assigned to Kim Finlay

Status change: Open → In Progress

Kim Finlay is no longer responsible for this task

Yes, good idea. I assume that there should be a task for this so that the bot, depending on what kind of task he/she/they/it (? gender-fluid bot haha) generates, a specific instruction is included. I've seen this for other tasks, not sure if it is implemented for reviewing publications yet.

Task was assigned to Carolin Bellstedt

Status change: Open → Completed