Portugal districts boundaries
Portuguese districts boundaries

Part of this shapefile
- Aveiro
- Azores
- Beja
- Braga
- Bragança
- Castelo Branco
- Coimbra
- Faro
- Guarda
- Leiria
- Lisboa
- Madeira
- Portalegre
- Porto
- Santarém
- Setúbal
- Viana do Castelo
- Vila Real
- Viseu
- Évora
- PRT_adm1.cpg (5 bytes)
- PRT_adm1.csv (1.5 KB)
- PRT_adm1.dbf (9.6 KB)
- PRT_adm1.prj (145 bytes)
- PRT_adm1.shp (8.5 MB)
- PRT_adm1.shx (260 bytes)
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