Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (JEP) [Austrian Journal of Development Studies]
The Austrian Journal of Development Studies (AJDS) is the leading Austrian journal in development studies. Its main objective is to offer a forum for a broad critical discussion of development theory and policy to an Austrian and international readership. This includes debating current development-relevant concepts such as civil society or the role of institutions in development co-operation. Contents of the journal range from micro-social studies of gender relations or local empowerment strategies to macro-social research on issues such as migration or regional integration as well as focus analyses of certain countries or regions. It is a priority for the editors to publish high-quality contributions of young researchers both with Austrian and international background. Contributions are published in German or English language.
Published by Mattersburger Kreis für Entwicklungspolitik an den Österreichischen Universitäten.

Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
How unequal is international trade? An ecological perspective using Material Flow Accounting (MFA) | Journal Article | Singh and Eisenmenger Simron Singh and Nina Eisenmenger | 2011 |