Global Environmental Change

Global Environmental Change is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing high quality, theoretically and empirically rigorous articles, which advance knowledge about the human and policy dimensions of global environmental change. The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in localities, but with consequences at multiple spatial, temporal and socio-political scales. The journal is interested in articles which have a significant social science component. These include articles that address the social drivers or consequences of environmental change, or social and policy processes that seek to address problems of environmental change. Topics include, but are not restricted to, the drivers, consequences and management of changes in: biodiversity and ecosystem services, climate, coasts, food systems, land use and land cover, oceans, urban areas, and water resources.

Published by Elsevier.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Growing stocks of buildings, infrastructures and machinery as key challenge for compliance with climate targets Journal Article Krausmann et al. 2020
From resource extraction to outflows of wastes and emissions: The socioeconomic metabolism of the global economy, 1900–2015 Journal Article Krausmann et al. 2018
Unpacking the nexus: Different spatial scales for water, food and energy Journal Article Bijl et al. 2018
Closing the governance gaps in the water-energy-food nexus: Insights from integrative governance Journal Article Weitz et al. 2017
Where does climate fit? Vulnerability to climate change in the context of multiple stressors in Funafuti, Tuvalu Journal Article McCubbin et al. 2015
The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950--2010 Journal Article Schaffartzik et al. 2014
The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation Journal Article Pauliuk and Müller 2014
Materials embodied in international trade - Global material extraction and consumption between 1995 and 2005 Journal Article Bruckner et al. 2012
The first climate refugees? Contesting global narratives of climate change in Tuvalu Journal Article Farbotko and Lazrus 2012
Virtue and vulnerability: Discourses on women, gender and climate change Journal Article Seema Arora-Jonsson 2011
Resource use and resource efficiency in the Asia-Pacific region Journal Article Schandl and West 2010
Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social–ecological systems analyses Journal Article Carl Folke 2006
Planning for climate change in small islands: Insights from national hurricane preparedness in the Cayman Islands Journal Article Emma L. Tompkins 2005
Megahydropolis: coastal cities in the context of global environmental change Journal Article Timmerman and White 1997
Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on small island states: National and international responses Journal Article John C. Pernetta 1992