Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Geografiska Annaler is a journal with history dating back to 1919 when the first issue was published. The society owning Geografiska Annaler is The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG), In 1965 Geografiska Annaler was divided into two series; Physical Geography, Series A and in Human Geography, Series B. Volume 100 of Geografiska Annaler will be published in 2018.
Geografiska Annaler, Series B, is an international journal publishing articles covering theoretical and empirical aspects of human, social and economic geography. It aims to address and contribute to theories, debates and state of arts of human geography. The journal has no specific regional profile but some particular attention is paid to the Nordic countries.
Published by Taylor & Francis.

Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Environmental Relations and Biophysical Transitions: The Case of Trinket Island | Journal Article | Singh and Grünbühel Singh, Simron J. and Grünbühel, Clemens M. | 2003 |
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of trinket island | Journal Article | Singh and Grünbühel Singh, Simron Jit and Grünbühel, Clemens M. | 2003 |