Future Generation Computer Systems
Computing infrastructures and systems are rapidly developing and so are novel ways to map, control and execute scientific applications which become more and more complex and collaborative. Computational and storage capabilities, databases, sensors, and people need true collaborative tools. Over the last years there has been a real explosion of new theory and technological progress supporting a better understanding of these wide-area, fully distributed sensing and computing systems. Big Data in all its guises require novel methods and infrastructures to register, analyze and distill meaning. FGCS aims to lead the way in advances in distributed systems, collaborative environments, high performance and high performance computing, Big Data on such infrastructures as grids, clouds and the Internet of Things (IoT). The Aims and Scope of FGCS cover new developments in: [1] Applications and application support: Novel applications for novel e-infrastructures Complex workflow applications Big Data registration, processing and analyses Problem solving environments and virtual laboratories Semantic and knowledge based systems Collaborative infrastructures and virtual organizations Methods for high performance and high throughput computing Urgent computing Scientific, industrial, social and educational implications Education [2] Methods and tools: Tools for infrastructure development and monitoring Distributed dynamic resource management and scheduling Information management Protocols and emerging standards Methods and tools for internet computing Security aspects [3] Theory: Process specification; Program and algorithm design Theoretical aspects of large scale communication and computation Scaling and performance theory Protocols and their verification
Published by Elsevier.