Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions

The journal offers a platform for reporting studies of innovations and socio-economic transitions to enhance an environmentally sustainable economy and thus solve structural resource scarcity and environmental problems, notably related to fossil energy use and climate change. This involves attention for technological, organizational, economic, institutional and political innovations as well as economy-wide and sector changes, such as in the areas of energy, transport, agriculture and water management. The journal aims to tackle the most difficult questions, dealing with social, economic, behavioral-psychological and political barriers and opportunities as well as their complex interaction. The journal is multidisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, and invites contributions from a broad range of disciplines within the social, environmental and innovation sciences.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Circular Cities: Mapping Six Cities in Transition Journal Article Prendeville et al. 2018
Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability Journal Article Patterson et al. 2017
Mobility and environmental impacts of car sharing in the Netherlands Journal Article Nijland and van Meerkerk 2017
Putting the sharing economy into perspective Journal Article Frenken and Schor 2017
Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation Journal Article Böcker and Meelen 2017