Climate and Development
Climate and Development is the first academic journal dedicated to the range of issues that arise when climate variability, climate change and climate policy are considered along with development needs, impacts and priorities. It makes complex analysis of climate and development issues accessible to a wide audience of researchers, policymakers and practitioners, and facilitates debate between the diverse constituencies active in these fields throughout the world.
The journal provides a forum to communicate research, review and discussion on the interfaces between climate, development, policy and practice. It presents conceptual, policy-analytical and empirical studies of the interactions between climate impacts, mitigation, adaptation and development on scales from the local to global. Contributions from and about developing countries are particularly encouraged; however, research on developed countries is welcome provided that the link between climate and development is the central theme.
Climate and Development is of direct and vital relevance to academics, policy analysts, consultants, negotiators, industrial and non-governmental organisations, and to all those working to ensure a better understanding of the links between climate and development.
The journal is the platform of choice for academic debate on issues that link climate and development, and invites contributions on all such issues. These include, but are not limited to:
- The vulnerability of communities in developing countries to the combined impacts of climate change and non-climatic stresses
- Links between development and building capacity to respond to climate change
- The integration (mainstreaming) of climate policy into sectoral planning and development policy
- Conflicts and synergies between mitigation, energy use, and development policy
- The importance of climate and long-term weather forecasting for development
- Linkages between climate, climate policy, and the Millennium Development Goals
- The implications for development of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, as well as all other existing or proposed policy frameworks
- Financing arrangements for adaptation and mitigation in developing countries
Traditional knowledge of and local strategies for managing natural resources and coping with climate change
- Forest management and its relationship to mitigation, adaptation and development
- Adaptation, mitigation and the poor
These and other topics are addressed in a number of ways, including:
Research articles (theoretical developments, concepts and methods, empirical analysis, policy assessments and modelling studies)
Published by Taylor & Francis.

Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
Climate change adaptation in a developing country context: The case of urban water supply in Cape Town | Journal Article | Ziervogel et al. Gina Ziervogel, Moliehi Shale, Minlei Du | 2011 |
The implications of global climate change for fisheries management in the Caribbean | Journal Article | Leonard A. Nurse Nurse, Leonard A. | 2011 |