Brussels Studies
Brussels Studies is an interdisciplinary journal tackling urban Brussels-related issues. It publishes researches, from all disciplines, on the realities of Brussels, which represent a significant challenge for the city and its region. In order to offer a wider diffusion, each article is published in three languages : English, French and Dutch.
Published by Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles.

Title | Type | Author(s) | Year |
The role of port and logistic activities in Brussels | Journal Article | Mathieu Strale Mathieu Strale | 2017 |
The role of port and logistics activities in Brussels | Journal Article | Mathieu Strale Mathieu Strale | 2017 |
Water management in Brussels: knowledge gained from the long time data series of the Flowbru regional telemetry system | Journal Article | de Ville and Verbanck de Ville, Nicolas; Verbanck, Michel | 2017 |
Water management in Brussels: knowledge gained from the long time data series of the Flowbru regional telemetry system | Journal Article | Ville and Verbanck Nicolas de Ville and Michel Verbanck | 2017 |
Coherent Mapping for Integrated Water Management in Brussels | Journal Article | Tom Goosse and Claeys Tom Goosse, Kevin De Bondt, Guido Petrucci and Philippe Claeys | 2015 |
Food Markets in Brussels | Journal Article | Maxine Chowles Chowles, Maxine | 2015 |
Freight transport in Brussels and its impact on road traffic? | Journal Article | Cathy Macharis Philippe Lebeau Philippe Lebeau, Cathy Macharis | 2014 |