2016 Generalized Land Use Classification
Metro Vancouver’s 2016 Generalized Land Use map was compiled using a consistent interpretation of all available information. Every effort was made to depict land use activities accurately and consistently across all of the region’s municipalities. Land use classifications were assigned at the municipal cadastre geography wherein each parcel was assigned one single land use classification. Exceptions to this rule occurred in instances where cadastre lots clearly had more than one discrete land use activity which did not fit into one single classification thus requiring the cadastre lot to be split to accommodate multiple land use activities. Exceptions included: hydro right-of-way corridors and school properties (school buildings were classified as ‘Health and Education’ and playing fields coded as ‘Recreation, Open Space and Protected Natural Areas’).

- Land Use 2016 Look Up Tables.xlsx (16.9 KB)
- Landuse2016.shp.xml (134.9 KB)
- Landuse 2016 - Code_Description With Outlines.lyr (36.0 KB)
- Landuse 2016 - LU_Code No Outlines.lyr (34.0 KB)
- Landuse2016.cpg (5 bytes)
- Landuse2016.dbf (19.2 MB)
- Landuse2016.prj (425 bytes)
- Landuse2016.sbn (549.2 KB)
- Landuse2016.sbx (16.8 KB)
- Landuse2016.shp (65.8 MB)
- Landuse2016.shp.PRDGISREND01.6572.10360.sr.lock (0 bytes)
- Landuse2016.shx (473.8 KB)
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