
Freight data: Imports

The Freight Demand Model is developed by the Growth and Intelligence Network (GAIN) and provides import and export flows for the whole of South Africa on a magisterial district level.

This data was filtered by GAIN to suit this particular MFA. It provides data on four flows:

  • Leaving (commodities leaving the area)
  • Arriving (commodities entering the area)
  • IntraExport (commodities entering the area only to exit it again to be exported through the port of Cape Town)
  • IntraImport (commodities being imported through the port of Cape Town only to exit directly to other destinations in South Africa)

This particular dataset contains the Imports into Cape Town (Arriving).

The flows contain data from all magisterial district in Cape Town, excluding the Malmesbury district. This district is partly inside the Cape Town municipality, and partly outside the Cape Town municipality. In terms of imports and exports it is of a small size and it is therefore excluded from this dataset.

Associated space

Cape Town









We are showing the first 100 records.
Date Quantity Material From To
378.0 t Barley Cape Town Rest of the world
56212.0 t Barley Cape Town Rest of the world
1.0 t Barley Rest of the world Cape Town
1004.0 t Grain Sorghum Cape Town Rest of the world
23.0 t Grain Sorghum Rest of the world Rest of the world
496.0 t Grain Sorghum Cape Town Rest of the world
231109.0 t Maize Cape Town Rest of the world
1.0 t Maize Rest of the world Cape Town
1610.0 t Sunflower Seed Cape Town Rest of the world
211.0 t Sunflower Seed Cape Town Rest of the world
31912.0 t Wheat Cape Town Rest of the world
104169.0 t Wheat Cape Town Rest of the world
47897.0 t Wheat Rest of the world Cape Town
8549.0 t Soya beans Cape Town Rest of the world
1110.0 t Soya beans Cape Town Rest of the world
69181.0 t Rice Cape Town Rest of the world
3.0 t Rice Rest of the world Rest of the world
65214.0 t Rice Cape Town Rest of the world
169752.0 t Vegetables Cape Town Rest of the world
17524.0 t Vegetables Rest of the world Rest of the world
9875.0 t Vegetables Cape Town Rest of the world
2585.0 t Vegetables Rest of the world Cape Town
173841.0 t Potatoes Cape Town Rest of the world
4702.0 t Potatoes Rest of the world Rest of the world
504.0 t Potatoes Cape Town Rest of the world
2032.0 t Potatoes Rest of the world Cape Town
1820.0 t Cotton Cape Town Rest of the world
189225.0 t Grapes Cape Town Rest of the world
341637.0 t Grapes Rest of the world Rest of the world
3237.0 t Grapes Cape Town Rest of the world
47761.0 t Grapes Rest of the world Cape Town
21101.0 t Subtropical Fruit Cape Town Rest of the world
33725.0 t Subtropical Fruit Rest of the world Rest of the world
4048.0 t Subtropical Fruit Cape Town Rest of the world
121.0 t Subtropical Fruit Rest of the world Cape Town
11040.0 t Citrus Cape Town Rest of the world
324487.0 t Citrus Rest of the world Rest of the world
274.0 t Citrus Cape Town Rest of the world
4290.0 t Citrus Rest of the world Cape Town
127355.0 t Deciduous Fruit Cape Town Rest of the world
531682.0 t Deciduous Fruit Rest of the world Rest of the world
2779.0 t Deciduous Fruit Cape Town Rest of the world
39030.0 t Deciduous Fruit Rest of the world Cape Town
88002.0 t Milk (bulk) Cape Town Rest of the world
23935.0 t Milk (bulk) Rest of the world Cape Town
65650.0 t Eggs (poultry) Cape Town Rest of the world
43.0 t Eggs (poultry) Rest of the world Rest of the world
81.0 t Eggs (poultry) Cape Town Rest of the world
28393.0 t Fish and seafood Cape Town Rest of the world
62342.0 t Fish and seafood Rest of the world Rest of the world
70722.0 t Fish and seafood Cape Town Rest of the world
56772.0 t Fish and seafood Rest of the world Cape Town
2082037.0 t Other Agriculture Cape Town Rest of the world
5790.0 t Other Agriculture Rest of the world Rest of the world
13601.0 t Other Agriculture Cape Town Rest of the world
270092.0 t Other Agriculture Rest of the world Cape Town
4.0 t Coal Mining Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
441711.0 t Coal Mining Domestic Cape Town Rest of the world
11863.0 t Coal Mining Fly Ash Cape Town Rest of the world
496.0 t Crude oil Cape Town Rest of the world
3928640.0 t Crude oil in Pipes Cape Town Rest of the world
4565.0 t Iron Ore Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
18.0 t Precious metals and precious stones (Refined) Rest of the world Rest of the world
1153.0 t Chrome Rest of the world Rest of the world
76.0 t Chrome Cape Town Rest of the world
6313.0 t Copper Cape Town Rest of the world
289.0 t Copper Rest of the world Rest of the world
4.0 t Copper Cape Town Rest of the world
Manganese Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
362.0 t Titanium slag Cape Town Rest of the world
53.0 t Rutile Cape Town Rest of the world
1695.0 t Rutile Rest of the world Rest of the world
83330.0 t Gypsum Cape Town Rest of the world
97.0 t Gypsum Cape Town Rest of the world
7750.0 t Gypsum Rest of the world Cape Town
695.0 t Zircon Cape Town Rest of the world
4426.0 t Zircon Rest of the world Rest of the world
425031.0 t Stone Cape Town Rest of the world
500.0 t Stone Rest of the world Rest of the world
562.0 t Stone Cape Town Rest of the world
581378.0 t Stone Rest of the world Cape Town
42163.0 t Granite Cape Town Rest of the world
703.0 t Granite Rest of the world Rest of the world
14.0 t Granite Cape Town Rest of the world
147143.0 t Limestone Cape Town Rest of the world
355.0 t Limestone Rest of the world Rest of the world
40638.0 t Rock Phosphate Cape Town Rest of the world
253.0 t Sulphur Rest of the world Cape Town
2888.0 t Fluorspar Cape Town Rest of the world
19494.0 t Salt Cape Town Rest of the world
4186.0 t Salt Rest of the world Rest of the world
24105.0 t Salt Cape Town Rest of the world
16692.0 t Salt Rest of the world Cape Town
244.0 t Other Non-Ferrous Metal Mining Rest of the world Rest of the world
22.0 t Other Non-Ferrous Metal Mining Cape Town Rest of the world
16.0 t Other Mining Cape Town Rest of the world
40533.0 t Other Mining Rest of the world Rest of the world
9277.0 t Other Mining Cape Town Rest of the world
98063.0 t Other Mining Rest of the world Cape Town

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