
Sustainable Agriculture Market Intelligence Report 2017

Table of contents:

List of figures
List of tables
List of acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
1. Introduction and purpose
2. Sector overview
2.1. Physical geography and climate
2.2. Economic overview
2.2.1 South African agriculture
2.2.2 Western Cape agriculture
2.2.3 Supporting environment
2.3. Key players
2.4. Drivers of green tech and practices in agriculture
2.4.1. Climate change and water availability
2.4.2. Environmental degradation
2.4.3. Market pressure and limited resources
3. Policies and regulations
3.1. Agriculture
3.2. Water
3.2.1.Water use verification
3.3. Land reform
3.4. Carbon tax
4. Opportunities and barriers
4.1. Energy efficiency in the Western Cape agricultural sector
4.1.1. Market size and overview
4.1.2. Opportunities in agri-production and processing
4.1.3. Opportunities for green tech manufacturers and service providers
4.1.4. Barriers to uptake
4.2. Solar PV in the Western Cape’s agricultural sector
4.2.1. Market size and overview
4.2.2. Opportunities in agri-production and processing
4.2.3. Opportunities for green tech manufacturers and service providers
4.2.4. Barriers to uptake
4.3. Solar powered irrigation systems
4.3.1. Market size and overview
4.3.2. Opportunities in agri-production and processing
4.3.3. Opportunities for green tech manufacturers and service providers
4.3.4. Barriers to uptake
4.4. Conservation agriculture
4.4.1. Market size and overview
4.4.2. Opportunities in agri-production and processing
4.4.3. Opportunities for green tech manufacturers and service providers
4.4.4. Barriers to uptake
4.5. Irrigation efficiency
4.5.1. Precision agriculture
4.6. Controlled environment agriculture (CEA)
4.6.1. Market size and overview
4.6.2. Opportunities in agri-production and processing
4.6.3. Opportunities for green tech manufacturers and service providers
4.6.4. Barriers to uptake
4.7. Emerging trends
4.7.1. Investment in green tech and practices
4.7.2. The future of controlled environment agriculture
4.7.3. The growing importance of services
4.7.4. Partnerships
5. Funding and incentives
5.1. Agriculture funding and incentives
5.1.1 Bank finance
5.2. General funding solutions and incentives
5.3. Manufacturing incentives
6. The Western Cape: Africa's green economy hub
7. GreenCape’s support to businesses and investors

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