
The Ecological Footprint: Application in the Province of Tucumán

The Ecological Footprint is a method proposed by the 'Redefining Progress for people, nature and the economy' that calculates the area of land that requires an individual to maintain their quality of life, generating all the products they consume and assimilate their waste, based on a questionnaire with multiple choice answers. Finally compares the results from the questionnaire with standard values as an indicator of environmental sustainability. Make a relative valuation of different types of consumption divided in 4 categories: carbon, food, housing and goods and services footprint, allowing better identification of those activities that are less sustainable, and so lead change efforts more efficiently. While the method proposed by the 'Ecological Footprint' is a comprehensive and effective indicator, is proposed for a type of society that does not fit to Tucuman's reality, since several of their questions have a structured approach and answer options that may not include alternatives related to the habits and the infrastructure that have the inhabitants of the province of Tucumán. Through this study we proposal to adapt the method to make it a suitable tool for the residents of Tucumán to assess the impact they have on the environment, answering questions accessible and consistent with the patterns of consumption and living conditions in the province.

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