Current BBR building points
Current BBR building points for Roskilde Municipality. Retrieved D. 25/6 2021 from LOIS DW. Application codes and materials for roof / exterior walls appear from data.
NOTE: The file oringnal_column_names.csv contains the table's abbreviated column names, as the SHAPE format only allows 10 characters!

- NyBBR_Bygning_GeoView_aktuel.cpg (5 bytes)
- NyBBR_Bygning_GeoView_aktuel.dbf (132.6 MB)
- NyBBR_Bygning_GeoView_aktuel.prj (403 bytes)
- NyBBR_Bygning_GeoView_aktuel.shp (1.5 MB)
- NyBBR_Bygning_GeoView_aktuel.shx (437.8 KB)
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